Looking to do business at CPMA Convention and Trade Show on April 8-10 in Montreal?

Our “Look Who is Coming” list is a must-have! Download the list to find the names and companies of our current registrants and exhibitors. Some attendees have chosen to remain anonymous and will not appear on this list.

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Look Who is Coming March 25, 2025CSV103.15 KB25 Mar, 2025 Download


Please note that if you have recently registered, it will take up to 72 hours before your name appears on this list. 

Please be aware that any solicitation trying to sell you the attendee list and contacts is a scam. CPMA has no affiliation with any such companies, and does not make attendee contact information publicly available, in accordance with our privacy policy and Canada’s CASL anti-spam legislation. Some of these companies are fraudulently using CPMA’s logo or will tell you they are in contact with show organizers.  This is untrue.

Please disregard this, and as always should you have any questions about the legitimacy of any solicitations regarding the CPMA Convention and Trade Show, please contact Nicole Jeffrey at [email protected].